Africa Outlook - some see windows, we see opportunities

Category General News

The Future of Broll

Group CEO, Malcolm Horne speaks to Emily Jarvis of Africa Outlook about the Broll Property Group and its future.

Q: Where do you see Brolls business going in future years?
Ultimately we would like to see Broll being compared on an international stage with the best in the world. On 15th January 2015, Broll Property Group turns 40, a major milestone in the life of the company. Our staff compliment has grown to over 1,329 and counting.

We have plans for further expansion plans as we believe Africa is the future, having said that, it will take time to unlock opportunities on the African continent. Knowledge of the markets, patience and local partners are key in doing business in Africa.

Our focussed service lines that operate in East, South and West Africa will provide a platform for future growth and momentum driven by client needs and expansion plans. We have spent the last decade building our platform and wish to stand out of the pre-eminent professional property services company across Sub-Saharan Africa. Our love and passion for the development of the continent is part of what drives our desire to promote Africa to the world. We hope the future will promote our business on the international stage.

Africa Outlook is a digital and print product aimed at boardroom and hands on decision-makers in a wide range of industries across Africa.

Click on the link below for an in-depth feature on Broll Property Group:

Author: Broll

Submitted 01 Jun 15 / Views 5901